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통합 개발 환경 통합 개발 환경 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Integrated development environments
  • 통합    통합 [統合] integration; unification; unity;
  • 통합 개발 환경    integrated development environment; ide
  • 개발    개발 a dog's paw. ~에 편자 Caviar(e) to
  • 환경    환경 [環境] environment; surroundings;
  • 통합    통합 [統合] integration; unification; unity;
  • 통합 개발 환경    integrated development environment; ide
  • 개발    개발 a dog's paw. ~에 편자 Caviar(e) to
  • 환경    환경 [環境] environment; surroundings;
  • 자유 통합 개발 환경    Free integrated development environments
  • 개발 도구 환경    development tools environment
  • 격리된 개발 환경    isolated development environment
  • 개발 및 테스팅 환경    nonproduction environment
  • 환경과 개발에 관한 리우 선언    Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
  • 통합    통합 [統合] integration; unification; unity; combination; consolidation; synthesis. 야당 ~ unification of parties out of power. 국민 ~의 상징 the symbol of the unity of the people. ~하다 integrate; combine; unif
  • 개발    개발 a dog's paw. ~에 편자 Caviar(e) to the general; to cast pearls before swine; be like the fox's skin sewed to the lion's.개발 [開發] [개척] development; (자원의) exploitation; (식민지의) colonization; (우주 등의) ex
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